MAT 182 Statistics For Everybody

Statistics for Everybody is an introductory course covering essential applied statistical concepts and techniques. It incorporates a well known Social Science statistical portal called the Survey Documentation and Analysis tool throughout the course. The course begins with an  understanding of how we conceptualize and operationalize statistical concepts into measurable variables. We then begin to explore data using descriptive statistics and simple data visualizations – learning both how to create and interpret meaningful data visualizations. Next we learn how to compare and contrast different variables and cohorts, exploring similarities through correlation and differences through means testing. Finally, we explore more advanced analysis techniques including developing contingency tables and multiple regression models, examining their outputs (z-scores, p-values) to better understand the notion of statistical significance. Students culminate their learning with a final project, leveraging their own hypotheses and statistical analyses in order to present their own unique findings.




MAT 100 with minimum grade of C or math placement score