BIO 204 Human Anatomy and Physiology: A Biological and Environmental Perspective

This course delves into the fundamentals of human anatomy and physiology, focusing on the key biological mechanisms that govern cellular functions and various vital organ systems.
Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the structure and function of essential components of human body, such as cells, tissues and critical organ systems, including the respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine, digestive, musculoskeletal, integumentary and reproductive systems. Through a holistic perspective merging anatomy, physiology, and environmental science, the biological foundational knowledge will be enriched by real-world contextualization, examining the complex interactions with environmental factors, such as air quality, toxins, and lifestyle choices. The course employs lectures, case studies, interactive activities, student-led presentations and a potential laboratory visit to merge theoretical principles with practical understanding.




BIO 101 and BIO 102