
The David R. Grace Library (Kaletsch Campus) and the Fowler Library (Fowler Learning Commons, Lowerre Academic Center) provide students, faculty, and the community at Franklin University Switzerland with books, periodicals, DVDs, and electronic resources, as well as assistance in the use of these resources, and the physical space in which to study. The Grace Library holds an English-language collection of approximately 36,000 volumes, and print periodicals. The Fowler Library houses materials in French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish, as well as science, mathematics, technology, and health materials. The library service subscribes to many full-text databases covering the full range of disciplines. In addition, the library provides access to more than 200,000 electronic books.”

The libraries are open approximately 100 hours per week when classes are in session, and keep extended hours during midterm and final exam weeks. Students may also set up access and borrowing privileges at the local university library in Lugano.

Further details of library opening hours and resources can be found at