Accessibility Services

Overview of Services

Franklin University Switzerland is committed to providing reasonable accommodations in its academic and co-curricular programs to students with disabilities. The Office of Accessibility Services helps foster success by coordinating need-specific accommodations and by offering additional support for students who qualify. In a small community of lifelong learners, Franklin University Switzerland routinely offers individualized, student-centered assistance in the spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act (Title III), and Section 504 of the United States Rehabilitation Act.

How to Request Accommodations

The process of obtaining accommodations at the university level is generally different from that typically found at secondary schools. At a university, it is the student’s responsibility to seek disability-related accommodations and services, and to disclose a disability in order for the university to make reasonable accommodations.

If you think you may need accommodations, or have had them in the past and would like to continue receiving them, start the process by contacting The Office of Accessibility Services will set up a meeting with you to discuss your individual situation. Bring to this meeting any documentation that you have about your disability. Primary documentation is typically produced by a qualified evaluator, has been written within the past four years, and includes information about your challenges within an academic setting as well as recommendations for accommodations.

Accommodations at Franklin University Switzerland are determined on a case-by-case basis, depending on the nature of the disability, the student’s own concerns, and the content of the documentation provided. All information is handled with strict confidentiality. For further information or clarification of the process, contact